Thursday, August 7

Brynne wondering what she has gotten into.

Jake, who is a friend of CrossFit Spokane, could use your thoughts and prayers right now. Get back soon brother.

Jason doing a WOD with body weight deadlift .

Tira excited to start the workout.

The workout this Saturday will be in Medical Lake.

Don't forget about this Saturday. We will be at Water Front Park in Medical Lake for the workout and Trisha's going away WOD. The gym will not be open on Saturday.

We would also like to welcome Fast Trac Performance/CrossFit Spokane Valley to the area. They are open and ready to go. We wish all the best to them as they join us in the fight against big box/Globo gyms.

If you want the best training come see us.

CrossFit Spokane would like to welcome all CrossFitters from other affiliates who need a place to train while they are in town. We have had several over the last couple of weeks and are always excited to see you guys and gals.

Video Below

Nick (AFL2) Hang Cleans 335lbs Rachel (Thrush Sports Performance)

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