Sunday, July 27

Up and Coming

The group getting ready for the WOD

Sue resting in plank position

Kendra going deep on her KB front squat

We had a great time at the park on Saturday, the weather couldn't have been better. As long as weather permits we will continue to do workouts in the park on Saturdays. It's a great way to get our name out there and enjoy the fresh air.

There are a couple things planned for upcoming weekends. First,on Saturday Aug.2, Brandon will be giving a 1 hr beginner class on the Snatch from 12-1pm. The Snatch is an Olympic lift in which a barbell is lifted from the floor to overhead in one movement, this lift will greatly increase ones strength, power, coordination, flexibility and overall athleticism. For this class Brandon will be going over a skill based warm up and proper training progression for the lift. It is an amazing lift and I recommnd anyone who can make it attend this class. The cost is $10 per person.

Second, Saturday Aug. 9, we will be having a get together for Trisha's going away. She is going to Uma, AZ to start her new career. She will be missed very much but we are so happy for her. Trisha started with us about a year and a half ago at waterfront park in Medical Lake,so we thought we would meet there at 2pm for a bar-b-q and maybe a little "Crossfit fun. " Hope to see everyone there, if you need directions we will post them at the gym this week.

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