Friday, November 13

Well, it's been quite the week here inside the gym. Everyone has really been stepping it up. I've been seeing weights going up, but I have also been seeing some come down. Why can this sometimes be a good thing? Well, focusing on improving form and efficiency is always our number one goal; way more important than the time on the board that sometimes can distract us from what is most important. So, sometimes getting yourself to lower that weight and strive for perfection all over again is just what is needed. Thank you for receiving our suggestions to lower that weight a little and focus back on the basics. We know that it can be very hard to do....that darn competitive side starts getting in the way!

I also feel the need to mention how many PR's were achieved on Monday during the Benchmark "Jackie". Besides many PR's for the whole WOD itself, half a dozen people also got a PR on their solo 1k row time, while in the middle of a WOD! Very impressive! It may be time for a 1k row day!:)


-A little late, but this week we celebrated the United States Marine Corps Birthday and also honored our veterans on Veterans Day. Thank you to all who have served our country and happy birthday Marines!

-Last weekend we ran a Fight Gone Bad and had two outstanding performances that need mentioning. In case you don't know, getting to the 400 mark in a FGB is quite an achievement and testament to elite fitness. Pat W. managed to get within a few reps with an impressive 396! Trust me, that 400 is history next time seeing as how we trashed his legs with heavy back squats the day before! And Tyler managed to pull off an amazing 423! Unbelievable! Form was mechanically sound and everything was Rx'd for both CrossFitters....great job guys!

-Another congrats goes out to Matt A. Matt just got back from successfully completing Jump Master School down in Georgia. He is now qualified to kick people out of an airplane:) May sound easy, but let me tell you that this course is considered one of the most stressful ones you can take. There is literally no place for even one single mistake. So congrats Matt!

So, trivia of the this me or is it Jon?

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