Monday, January 26

Prepping For The Pain Train!

30 Clean and Jerks for time? Ruff! (Bring it on)

Porter, my brother-in-law's dog, wanted to get in on the fun last week. Look at the angle of that straight back, great form!:)

Thank God it's Monday! I know, Mondays usually are viewed as that horrible day that you have to switch back from Sunday Fun Day into work and set your sights once again on Friday. But as a CrossFitter, I prefer to see it as the beginning of a whole new set of WOD's to tackle! What strengths will I be able to demonstrate? What weaknesses will I have to face? Will that callus tear or will I be able to set a new PR? Monday's are a time to take a deep breath, stomp those feet for power, and wait with both excitement and jitters for that one command that we have all grown to love...3, 2, 1...GO!

Reminder - This Saturday is the Spokane/Valley/CDA CrossFit Competition at Spokane Valley's CrossFit box. If you are planning on participating, and I really think that you all should, be sure to pay especially close attention to your training this week. Through Wednesday it will be normal, but on Thursday and Friday we will be posting a separate WOD on the board for those that are planning on attending. The purpose of this is to ensure that we don't trash you with "Linda" or "Fran" or by going heavy on a lift that MIGHT be involved in one of Saturday's events. This doesn't mean to take the days off; we still need to make sure that you are staying active, staying warmed up and loose and that you're ready to go. But more than anything, make sure to be eating as best as you can, getting proper rest/sleep and staying hydrated the whole week (shouldn't be hard since I know you do that anyways:). For those of you that don't have much experience with prepping for optimal performance when you are 5 days out, don't think that only hydrating the morning of or "carbo-loading" (or should I say "Zone-loading") the night before is going to do anything for you. You have to start eating, sleeping, and hydrating properly right now if you want the best performance as possible.

If any of you are thinking about attending the regional tryouts in Seattle in May for the CrossFit Games, this would be an excellent opportunity to practice getting ready, mentally preparing yourself and competing at a gym other than the one you're used to. Remember, even if you aren't able to make it on time or compete for whatever reason, you can still come by to cheer everyone on and enjoy the show because it will be a lot of fun! Remember, any CrossFit Spokane member can compete for free! Registration is at 8 a.m., event announcements and rules are at 8:30, and the first event will start at 9:00.

Look forward to seeing a lot of CrossFit Spokane members there to represent!

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