Friday, January 9

Shut Down

As you all know our building has had some issues. The roof in the business connected to us collapsed and part of our roof as well. The city inspectors came by and told us to shut our doors until further notice! The good thing is that it shouldn't be for very long. They said we could be reopen as soon as Monday. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and are thinking of ways that we can still put some classes together a couple times a day until then, so if you know of anywhere there is a building we can occupy a couple hours a day let us know. Until then we will post some WODS you can do at home.

"Tabata This"

20 sec work followed by 10 sec rest for 8 consecutive rounds of:

Pushup or Handstand Pushup

(Finish one exercise before moving onto the next)Your score is the lowest number of reps. So if you do 15 squats your first and second round and do 13 the second round, your score will be 13.
Post your lowest reps for each exercise to our comments.

Have fun! And again we are very sorry.

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