Saturday, January 31

You all must be a little off your rocker for actually loving this!

What an outstanding day for CrossFitters! Today we had the Spokane/Valley/CDA CrossFit Challenge. First, to all competitors and did and amazing job! Words cannot even describe the displays of physical and mental excellence that was shown today! This is what CrossFit is all about; random workouts covering a variety of functional fitness skills executed at extremely high intensity...mixed with so many great personalities that I almost couldn't handle it! The WOD's were awesome, the energy was awesome, the times were awesome, the people were awesome, the competition was awesome...everything was awesome!

Please check back in over the next couple of days (as details and pictures comes into us from everywhere). We just wanted to get this out today until we have a chance to post more in depth details. But until then, here are a few things I need to mention.

First, I would like to thank all of you that were able to come out. I know that it can be tough to juggle kids, work, etc. and a lot of you made the sacrifice to be there today. To be honest, neither the Valley staff or us were expecting that kind of turnout; we had 47 participants plus a good number of spectators to cheer you all on! Once again...Awesome!

Also, I know some of you fire breathers are wondering how the top spots ended up. Well, as you can imagine, there is still some work to be put in to finalize and chart everyone's scores. As soon as it all is we will post it on the site. But the top few we do have. In third for the males and overall we have Spokane's Brett. Not bad for an old man...ha, ha, just kidding Brett, I couldn't resist. And in case you didn't hear, Brett placed third in the state at a Judo competition a few weeks ago...great job!

As for first and second, this was quite the show. It all came down to Spokane CrossFit's Tyler and Pat. After some careful calculations, it came up as a tie. So, what was the tie breaker? Well, the judges decided to check the actual total of the fastest times from all combined WODs. The was a dead even tie down to the second! So how are we supposed to declare a winner?!!! Well, after some discussion it was decided that Tyler would come out on top. Why? During the first event, which was a 20 meter timed sprint, Tyler decided to display some superhuman strength by picking a fight with the wall of the gymnasium. He was sprinting so fast all the way through the end point that he decided that the wall wasn't going to intimidate him; if he had determined that it would, he just might have had a second taken off that would have meant a for sure second place.

The result of the fight with the wall went in CrossFit's favor. It took a little of Tyler's skin and blood, but it didn't stop him in the least! Needless to say, I would be watching for some intense competition at the gym between Tyler and Pat!

As I said, the complete results will probably be in during the early part of next week. Again, great job to all competitors!

Everyone is starting to get ready for the events at the CF Spokane/Spokane Valley Challange.

Brandon pushes Shannon from Spokane Valley as she finishes here row.

Friday, January 30

Get Rested, Hydrate Well, Stretch a Little and Visualize

Cool kettlebell

Tira resting after a WOD

Myia pulling hard during a row.

Janette is back and ready to work hard. We are glad to have her training with us again.

Angela is always smiling. Maybe because she has lost over 35lbs in less then 6 months with us. Prior to us, she was paying a personal trainer for over a year and lost only ten pounds.
Compare the value of one month with CrossFit Spokane to the cost of one hour with a personal trainer, which is better?


These should be your duties for the next 24 hours.

Rest. The WOD's aren't going to be that long, but they are intense like always and there are 3 of them. Make sure to get a good nights sleep. Realize that you may not be use to doing WOD's in the morning so I would recommend getting up a little earlier so you have time for that breakfast to settle and your body to loosen up after a nights rest. Maybe go out for a brisk walk or jog with the dog, clean up the house or something to get your body moving!

Hydrate. You always should be hydrating properly, but make sure to really be all over that water bottle tonight. I am going to guess that three WOD's will probably make you sweat a little, just a little though:) Tomorrow morning is a little too late to do some "power hydrating"; just make sure that you are sipping on water from the time you get up until the events begin. Protein powder, good food, N.O. Explode...(whatever it is that you think is awesome)...remember that nothing beats out being well hydrated with the best stuff on earth...H2O:)

Visualize. As I mentioned in an earlier post, in any WOD you should have the right mindset as you go into it. It' about nobody else but you. You are probably going to be faced with some strengths of yours tomorrow, and also some exercises that might be your worst weaknesses. Start excepting that and prepping for it. Here's a little trick that I have done since I ran cross country in high school and I have used it in everything in my life all the way up through helping coach a high school XC team here in Spokane and then also in my own personal CrossFitting. We use to close our eyes and visualize the entire course. We'd imagine ourselves at crucial parts of the course where we knew that we would be struggling or where we knew a strength of ours would be best utilized. Close your eyes and visualize. Visualize yourself being great and performing to the best of your abilities. Visualize yourself waking up feeling great and rested. Visualize the three worst WOD's your mind can come up with and then take yourself through each one of them rep by rep, round by round. Close your eyes and visualize your form staying strong, your mental strength taking over. Visualize yourself walking into the gym and feeling that awesome sensation of being with fellow CrossFitters, new and familiar alike. Visualize your confidence that you will have. Right after hearing the events visualize yourself being pumped that you get to test your body once again. Visualize yourself knowing that you are making yourself stronger than you were on Thursday night. Picture yourself going through every rep once again, forming a perfect video in your head of what you will push your body to do. Take a deep breath and then do it again.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow! This should be such a great time! How else would you want to spend a Saturday morning other than surrounded by CrossFitters, stopwatches and barbells?:)

In case any of you are still wondering:
8 a.m. register
8:30 a.m. rules and regulations
9 a.m. events begin


Thursday, January 29

Burgener Warm-up

I recently attended a CrossFit class over in the Seattle area. But the area was new to me and I ended up getting there a couple of minutes before the class was scheduled to start. Not only that but the gym was already set up for a WOD and I knew I wouldn't be able to get my normal warm-up in which usually takes about 10-15 minutes. So I thought, "Out of all the stuff in my warm-up, what will be the most beneficial with only a few minutes left?"

At CrossFit Spokane we are constantly trying to provide you with the best of service. As I stated several posts ago, expect to see lots of little changes in the coming months in different areas. One is to continue to run class times as structured as possible to ensure that you get as much as you can out of your hour. What does this mean for you? It means that you have to show up early enough for a class to properly warm-up, be included with any group, skill-based refresher/warm-up, and begin the WOD with the rest of the group for that hour. Come in too late and you will have to wait for the next class to begin. Please be aware that this really isn't a problem and it happens rarely. But we are addressing this in case it does from time to time. We know you are all busy people and we know that sometimes life/work/school/kids happen. But the times that it does and you do show up late, we still want to provide you with the best service. At busy classes it takes away from the group if we repetitively are waiting another 5 minutes, and then another as people show up late. Those who are ready to go have to wait around. As you all know, depending on the WOD the trainers will start the WOD between 10 to 15 minutes after the start of the hour allowing you ample time to do your own warm-up.

So, what is the point to all of this? Well, if life does happen, you show up a little late, you have to go pick up your kids in an hour and can't wait till the next class and the group will be coming together to start in 4 minutes, how do I still get a decent warm-up? What are the most important things to do? Or what if you head to another gym or happen to be on the road and don't have the equipment for your normal complete warm-up? So with that in mind, I would like to introduce you to the Burgener Warm-up. Mike Burgener is, among many other titles, the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Coach. This short warm-up is an excellent choice to include if you are limited on time or equipment. All you need is a broomstick, PVC, pipe, or even just an empty bar. Not only does it warm up your entire body, but at the same time is helping you practice lifting skills (i.e. the Snatch). In it you go through series of steps that lead up to 3 complete power snatches at the conclusion. You get to practice your triple extension, your OHS stance, your speed to drop under the bar, etc, etc. Please watch the following link and then ask us about it at the gym. I have been including it into every single warm-up for a year now and along with some overhead pass throughs, a few push-ups and pull-ups and some short stretching, it is what I consider my base for any normal or "pressed-for-time" warm-up.

Burgener Warm-up

Wednesday, January 28

Mental Preparation

Expect to see this get posted from time to time.

As we get closer to this weekend, I'd like to take a moment to bring something up so that you have the rest of the week to think about it, not to mention how you will be able to apply it to your own training day in and day out at CrossFit Spokane regardless of whether you ever decide to go to a competition. I say this because CrossFit is so much more than just going to the gym and exercising, trying to get back into shape, or lose some pounds of fat and gain some of muscle in functional ways.

Mental Preparation

"Successful [CrossFit] is not in the body, it's in the mind. You have to strengthen your mind to shut out everything - [the competition, the audience, the new surroundings]. You can [perform] as well as you believe you can. Your body can do what you will it to do. Don't think of your opponents, even in a contest. Never wish that the competition isn't as good or that they miss a movement. That's a negative attitude. Thinking like this means that you are relying on outside help...the will has got to come from me. It's all up to me."

"...the freak-outs. A result of fear of failure, the freak-out produces tension in our bodies that slow reflexes and neurological movement, which then causes our breathing to become short. Short and irregular breathing patterns cause a contraction in opposing muscle groups, which then reduces the quality of our technique and coordination. So, freak-outs due to the fear of failure ultimately create an ugly cycle that causes what we most fear...your months of training have now become meaningless. Your breathing is no longer controlled. You become broken, and your effort is destroyed...your ability to focus is gone. Break the cycle, appreciate failure and use it to make you better. If your mind has the power to make you fail, then it definitely has the power to make you succeed."

The above is a modified excerpt from Olympic Lifter Aimee Anaya in Performance Menu Journal.

True, this is aimed more towards Olympic Lifters at competitions, but the same applies to us at CrossFit Spokane (and not just for competitions among ourselves at the gym or against another CF box). This is the way each of us should be thinking as we set up for good form, take that breath, and stare straight ahead waiting for the command to go. It should be like this every time that we enter the gym...and also when we leave. The ability to have the right mindset in all areas is something that can give us unfathomable power, control and confidence over our lives.

In the gym it is the opportunity for us to improve and reach that elite fitness, to become superior beings in a normal world. With the right mental preparation you can overcome that fear to not try to go 10 pounds more on a lift, that makes you hesitate that extra two seconds to chalk up that means a 5:01 Fran instead of a 4:59. Can we hold onto that bar for another rep? Can we pull a little bit harder for the next 30 seconds of this row? Maybe we can. Maybe we can't. But we will try...even if we fall on our face. The mind can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, January 27

"That doesn't look that bad."

"That doesn't look that bad."

This was a common response to the benchmark WOD "Barbara" today as everyone came in and looked at the board. She doesn't come around often, and many of today's clients hadn't chased after her yet. But there is a reason that the veterans of "Barbara" fear her. Within the hour, most of those comments turned into, "That was one of the worst WODs ever!" or "I almost met Pukie!" Like always at CrossFit Spokane, it seems that the simplest looking WODs turn out to be the hardest. And once again everyone displayed tremendous effort. Congratulations to Pat for having the fastest time of the day with an impressive 28:18 with excellent form to the very last squat. Also to Tyler who destroyed the WOD while using rings instead of a pull-up're an animal! We also had two new members complete their first post-fundamentals WOD and are well on their way to joining the regular group classes very soon.

Carlos was in a hurt locker, then he finally got up and went outside, and came back feeling better. Hmmmm....I wonder what could have happened?:)

I think Janessa has a new found hatred for Barbara

Sully with the Post-WOD 1000 yard stare

This pretty much says it all:)

Monday, January 26

Prepping For The Pain Train!

30 Clean and Jerks for time? Ruff! (Bring it on)

Porter, my brother-in-law's dog, wanted to get in on the fun last week. Look at the angle of that straight back, great form!:)

Thank God it's Monday! I know, Mondays usually are viewed as that horrible day that you have to switch back from Sunday Fun Day into work and set your sights once again on Friday. But as a CrossFitter, I prefer to see it as the beginning of a whole new set of WOD's to tackle! What strengths will I be able to demonstrate? What weaknesses will I have to face? Will that callus tear or will I be able to set a new PR? Monday's are a time to take a deep breath, stomp those feet for power, and wait with both excitement and jitters for that one command that we have all grown to love...3, 2, 1...GO!

Reminder - This Saturday is the Spokane/Valley/CDA CrossFit Competition at Spokane Valley's CrossFit box. If you are planning on participating, and I really think that you all should, be sure to pay especially close attention to your training this week. Through Wednesday it will be normal, but on Thursday and Friday we will be posting a separate WOD on the board for those that are planning on attending. The purpose of this is to ensure that we don't trash you with "Linda" or "Fran" or by going heavy on a lift that MIGHT be involved in one of Saturday's events. This doesn't mean to take the days off; we still need to make sure that you are staying active, staying warmed up and loose and that you're ready to go. But more than anything, make sure to be eating as best as you can, getting proper rest/sleep and staying hydrated the whole week (shouldn't be hard since I know you do that anyways:). For those of you that don't have much experience with prepping for optimal performance when you are 5 days out, don't think that only hydrating the morning of or "carbo-loading" (or should I say "Zone-loading") the night before is going to do anything for you. You have to start eating, sleeping, and hydrating properly right now if you want the best performance as possible.

If any of you are thinking about attending the regional tryouts in Seattle in May for the CrossFit Games, this would be an excellent opportunity to practice getting ready, mentally preparing yourself and competing at a gym other than the one you're used to. Remember, even if you aren't able to make it on time or compete for whatever reason, you can still come by to cheer everyone on and enjoy the show because it will be a lot of fun! Remember, any CrossFit Spokane member can compete for free! Registration is at 8 a.m., event announcements and rules are at 8:30, and the first event will start at 9:00.

Look forward to seeing a lot of CrossFit Spokane members there to represent!

Saturday, January 24


Didn't notice this sweat angel until it was starting to fade, but still got it!

Group 1 in the midst of it all and it's various stages!

Speechless! That's the only way to describe Saturday's group WOD! We had a great turnout, pulled that stopwatch out of retirement, and seriously got after it! If you weren't able to make it today, you really missed out! The entire WOD was bordering on being classified as a "Painstorm WOD" and the effort of every single CrossFitter was unbelievable! We also were glad to have Emily, a CrossFit Eastside member, stop by to join us. I have had the pleasure of training at their gym in Redmond, WA and like always, it's a great group of CrossFitters there as well. Today's WOD was actually three separate short and intense WOD's with about a 10 minute rest between them. It was a two person team effort and hit nearly all of the fitness skills that we train for at CrossFit Spokane.

WOD #1 was a 250 m row while the other team member did as many burpees as possible, then they switched out and did the same...end of round one. They then continued to switch out until each member of the team completed 4 rounds! Score was total time in seconds minus the total number of reps the team cranked out; lowest score is the goal.

WOD #2 was a 3 plate transfer (one at a time) across the gym and back (total of 4 lengths with lots of sprints between to go get the next plate). Meanwhile, the other team member was knocking out as many mountain climbers as possible, then they switched...round one complete. Teams kept going until each member had done 3 rounds. Scoring was the same.

WOD #3 was an alternating Tabata. The exercise...thrusters! Total number of combined reps were then taken off the total of the first two WOD's combined total.

Thank you to all of today's participants...the kind of energy in this group WOD was amazing!

Joe/Nick: 707

Pat/Carlos: 709

Jeremy/Jack: 754

Nate/Bob: 856

Jaryl/Emily: 883

Janessa/Angela: 900


Cory/Mia: 1284

Pat with great burpee form and Carlos rowing his heart out!

Jack and Jeremy tearing apart the WOD!

Never a dull moment during WOD#2

Sorry there's not more pics...I honestly took quite a few today. But you all were moving so fast that most of them came out as blurs! Great job, incredible mental toughness. CrossFit Spokane... what else would you expect?

Thursday, January 22

Generally Recognized as Safe?

Please check out the link below; who would actually consume something that has this label? I'm posting this as a reminder of how our country gets fed lies about what is healthy to eat. I don't want to get into a long ramble about it, but does it make much sense to consume things that companies have altered with god-knows-what chemicals?

I challenge you all to a goal for 2009 (and hopefully for life); start to really improve your diet. I don't know how healthy you already eat or don't eat, but I can guarantee that there are things in your diet that could and should be eliminated (or at least drastically reduced). CrossFit is a powerful, functional tool, but for a completely healthy lifestyle and true ELITE fitness, CrossFit must be accompanied by a very close friend...true, proper diet.

Depending on who you are and what your current diet is (i.e. kitchen habits), changing your diet even a little and really sticking to it can be quite a shock to your lifestyle. But it is something that is more important than anything else that you do. I'm sure you have heard someone say, "money can't buy you health". If we don't take action right now, right away, we might never do it. It's so easy to say you'll start tomorrow. Start right now. Now I know that changing a lifetime of bad eating habits can be quite hard for some. If it is, do like we do at CrossFit. Gradually work away at it. You didn't get your first pull-up right away so don't expect yourself to quit eating all refined sugars or bowls of pasta "cold turkey"! Work away at one thing for a week, then two weeks, then a month until it's no longer enticing. Then begin to change another bad eating habit and gradually cut it out. One item by one item we can cut all of the crap out of our diets and improve our health.

If you are not sure what might be bad within your current diet (and I guarantee some things would surprise you) please take a close look at two different eating plans. One is the Zone and the other is the Paleo Diet (or a mixture of the two). CrossFit wide, these are the two most popular diet plans (diet is just referring to the way that you eat, not deprivation, as most associate it with). They are the most popular because among thousands and thousands of people that are serious about true, functional health and fitness by doing CrossFit, they are also serious about eating in ways that work and are nothing but fantastic for their bodies. So please ask us about these diets or check-out one of our books at the gym. Research them online too. Food is by far the most intense drug that we have available to us. Let's begin using it to our advantage!

I will lead by example and let you know what I will be working on for the next two weeks (to begin with). I feel better than I ever have seeing as how I have been CrossFitting for almost two years and have been Zoning for about a year. But I have a weakness... crackers! Chips too! Putting health reasons aside, I honestly think I could eat nothing but chips and salsa for the rest of my life and be totally content. But these are so bad for you! You'll have to ask if you want to know why (and it's not just the saturated fat...not at all!) So starting right now I am cleaning out my kitchen of the only crackers/chips I have left...

So, I challenge you to do the same. Not tomorrow or Feb 1st, right now! Feel free to post in the comments about what you did to immediately start eating better; I would love to hear it!

Monday, January 19

Incredible Start to the Week!!!

This is what seems to be the unfortunate evolution of fitness vs. technology...but not at CrossFit Spokane!

First off, great job to everyone that came in today!!! We know that not having a timer on you today threw some of you off at first, but the increased focus on form was great! You all kept that same intensity but were able to take split second pauses here and there to improve that great form and focus; it was very obvious during the Clean & Jerk portion of today's WOD. Many people that I know weren't as confident/experienced with in their C&J's showed incredible just one day!!! We are positive that this will improve everyone's fitness, knowledge and performance once we pull that stopwatch out of retirement at the end of the week.

Second, you will probably be seeing some new faces in the next week or two as we are getting soon-to-be-CrossFitters coming in and going through fundamentals. We are really looking forward to them joining the community, so make sure to introduce yourselves!

Last, in case you feel like there is a lot going on in the next couple of weeks, and there is, here's a few things to jot down on your calendar.

1) The Spokane/Valley/CDA CrossFit Competition is on the morning of January 31st.
2) The Spokane CrossFit Muscle-up Challenge will be on or around Friday, February 6th.
3) The Underground Wellness Seminar date is up in the air at this time, but we'll keep ya updated as we finalize things. Please sign up at the gym if you are interested so we can get an idea of how many would like to attend. Non-gym members can also attend.


Full range of motion is more important than the amount of weight lifted or the time in which you complete a WOD. End of story.

We all know this, so why am I bringing it up? Because just like everything else in CrossFit, we constantly need to be taking ourselves back to the basics and mastering even the most simple of skills. We also have been known to do this other thing that has been proven to dramatically improve fitness...staying constantly varied. So this week at the gym will be a little different in that there will be no use of stopwatches (with the exception of possible AMRAP WODs) and no times/rounds/weight lifted will be written on the board. Everything else will be run as normal.

Why? I think that we all can agree there has been at least a couple of times during a WOD that you have maybe sacrificed a little form at the end or didn't lock out completely overhead on every rep in the 3rd round. It happens from time to time especially if you are reaching an intensity level where your body doesn't have much left to give; at this point it's usually a mental game to just keep moving and get done. Be honest, we've all been there at one time or another:) And this intensity is part of why CrossFit is so successful. But another reason is our unrelenting desire to be perfect, to be elite at fitness.

Now, this in no way is to say that you still aren't putting forth 100% intensity, because we ALWAYS expect that from you! What we are trying to do is make sure that from time to time you can take a break from that stopwatch and not let it get in the way of your ultimate goal.

As CrossFitters, we should all rather have perfect technique and range of motion on all of our WODs and exercises instead of incredible times with sub-par form. Realistically though, most people will experience both during the course of their "gym-life". What we need to be excited about is to have an opportunity to continue working on our goal of perfection and to do what we're best at here at CrossFit Spokane, Forging ELITE Fitness!

Wednesday, January 14


We are still waiting for some ideas on a slogan for the gym. We haven't gotten any so far, so please post them in the comments if you have any that come to mind. Even if it is something you think sounds silly or odd, post it anyway. Every little bit of imput is helpful. We are looking for something tactful, like something you would wear on a t-shirt. If you are hesitant to post because you don't have a Blogger account, get one! As long as you already have an email account (with anyone) you can create a Blogger account in about sixty seconds.

Tuesday, January 13

Mark Your Calendar!!!

Ready for a challenge? We hope so because on January the 31st we are coming together with CrossFit Spokane Valley at their gym to have a great competition and hopefully get the word out about CrossFit! Please write your name on the board at the gym if you are interested in competing. It should be a great time and is free for all CrossFit Spokane members so you all should come out to join in on the fun! Not only is it a great chance to meet with other CrossFit members in the Spokane/CDA area, but performance under pressure is another great way to increase fitness and improve your skills! Regardless of your CrossFit level, remember that there will be members of other gyms that are right there with you. So don’t feel like you need a sub 3 min Fran to compete! The WODs and format will be kept secret until right before the competition…gotta love CrossFit!!!

Due to the fact that the Muscle-up Challenge at CrossFit Spokane was originally marked for the day before this competition, we are going to simply push it back until the following week.

Monday, January 12

Back to WorK!!!

The gym will be open at noon today!! Back to normal class schedule. So get there and be ready to make up for lost times.

Saturday, January 10

Check Back Soon!!!!

Proper eating, CrossFit, and more proper eating...please prevent scooter abuse!

We received notice that our building will still be closed through the Monday morning classes for sure. As for the classes starting at noon and after, we are unsure. The moment we find out we will post it immediately! So please check periodically to keep current on the status of classes. Thank you so much for being patient while we deal with Mother Nature's wrath:)

We would also like to take this time to inform you all that we are going to start implementing a lot of small improvements/new ideas around the gym. We are very excited about continuing to provide you all with the best service as possible.

One of these ideas is to come up with a new slogan for CrossFit Spokane. Although we have come up with many ideas of our own, we would like to include you all in on this process. So, please post in the comments if you have any ideas and maybe yours will be the new slogan for the gym! We're thinking of something that is short and sweet, embodies what CrossFit is all about and is very catchy. Lets see what we can come up with! We are also thinking about starting a Sunday class or possibly another one on Saturday. Please comment on whether or not you would like this option and would be able to attend.

Home WOD for Sunday: Time for some Max Reps!

Max reps/time of each exercise...
2 minute rest
Plank hold
2 minute rest
Squats in 5 minutes
2 minute rest
Sit-ups in 5 minutes
2 minute rest
Burpees in 2 minutes
2 minute rest
Flutterkicks in 2 minutes

Keep your fingers crossed

Brooklyn demonstrates how we all feel after a "good row".

We have word that we will probably be able to open back up Monday morning! So keep your fingers crossed, we will let you know for sure on tomorrows post.
The temperatures are supposed to be a little milder and no snow, so lets get out and run. Go for a 3 mile interval run. Find a specific target like a telephone pole, stop sign, parked car or anything else you can think of and sprint between each one as you go. For example, if you choose telephone poles you will run at an easy pace between the first two and then sprint between the next two and so on. If you don't have a place to run near you, (too many snow piles) then do 100 burpees for time. For those of you feeling really good, do both.

Friday, January 9

Shut Down

As you all know our building has had some issues. The roof in the business connected to us collapsed and part of our roof as well. The city inspectors came by and told us to shut our doors until further notice! The good thing is that it shouldn't be for very long. They said we could be reopen as soon as Monday. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and are thinking of ways that we can still put some classes together a couple times a day until then, so if you know of anywhere there is a building we can occupy a couple hours a day let us know. Until then we will post some WODS you can do at home.

"Tabata This"

20 sec work followed by 10 sec rest for 8 consecutive rounds of:

Pushup or Handstand Pushup

(Finish one exercise before moving onto the next)Your score is the lowest number of reps. So if you do 15 squats your first and second round and do 13 the second round, your score will be 13.
Post your lowest reps for each exercise to our comments.

Have fun! And again we are very sorry.

Wednesday, January 7

Mark Your Calander

We will be having Sean Croxton ( in to do nutrition seminar for us. Sean Croxton is a nutrition expert, strength and conditioning specialist, personal trainer, and educator. For the last decade, he has changed the lives of countless individuals by way of his holistic approach to wellness. A lifelong student of health, Sean has sought out the nation’s most successful trainers and practitioners in order to learn the most effective strategies in addressing challenges at their source.

Sean has become a popular speaker in the San Diego area. He has spoken in university, corporate,and community settings. His humorous, nonconformist style is well received by audiences. All participants walk away with practical information that can be immediately put to use.

Nutrition is the foundation of healthy living and any solid fitness program, but is often overlooked. If you have questions about nutrition, are serious about your training, made a commitment to eat better, live better and train better this seminar will benefit you.

All are welcome, this is open to anyone member or not.

The seminar will be on Saturday January 31 from 9am-3pm at CrossFit Spokane


Before Jan. 24
$59 per person

After Jan. 24
$80 per person

Thursday, January 1

Your Resolutions

Get your resolutions ready "The Hard Routine" is coming will you finally commit to yourself?
We will be having a get together to go over the specifics, rules and intent of the routine; stay tuned. Before you commit to a resolution be sure it's realistic, obtainable and worth the sacrifice because nothing worth while comes easy, so lets make our effort count.